Monday, September 26, 2011

The Secret life of an American Teenager

When you see her, walking down the halls
you may think "She has it all together".
Her clothes say "I'm too good for you"
Her phone a blatant barrier that says " I don't need you"
and her arrogant walk that says "I'm doing great"

But what you don't see,

Is that she DOESN'T have it all together.
Infact, she has nothing together.
You think, she thinks " She's too good for you"
but she REALLY thinks "She's not good enough for you"

She may seem like she doesn't need you,
but really,
she needs you more than anything.

You think she is doing great?
She's not. She's not at all.

But nothing will change, because we are all too afraid.
She is afraid of being herself.
of disappointing.
of embarrassing herself.

and you.
you are afraid to notice.
Afraid to break out of the shell,
the cliques have neatly provided for you.
Afraid of being wrong.

So she will keep walking down the hall,
With walls up so high that you can't
Even see there is another side.

And you will keep walking down the hall,
completely ignorant,
and not even trying to shatter her walls.

All because of fear.


  1. Oooo I love it! It just seems so real to me. Keep up the good work!!

  2. You think, she thinks 'She's too good for you'
    but she REALLY thinks 'She's not good enough for you'"

    I really like the way you went with this idea. Often people seem perfect. They look amazing, they have a lot of friends, and they just seem to be loved by all.

    Its rather interesting what they really think. We are all just human after all.

  3. "she is afraid of being herself." So true, Love the whole thing! Love your voice within your writing:)

  4. I love this!! soo much. "With walls up so high that you can't Even see there is another side." I love, love this. I love how you wrote about fear, because I think everyone is afraid of themselves, afraid of being wrong. Good work!!!

  5. This is awesome. This really shows what's really going on in peoples lives. Not just girls, but guys as well. They think they have it together, where they really don't. Good job!
